Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Our mission and purpose, in kid-friendly terms, is “Working together, we will be a caring community dedicated to lifelong learning.” Students work hard to practice our Cougar Traits of “Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) have given staff and students a common vocabulary and mutual understanding of expectations, supporting a culture of caring and active learning.
The values of our district are also our values. Our Cougar Traits require acceptance, accountability, integrity, and achievement. Our staff are members of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) that work together to create common assessments and to teach the essential standards for each grade level. Grade level teams work with differentiated student group so that students receive appropriate challenges. The value of engagement is being reinforced through instruction and coaching in using Kagan cooperative learning structures.
We have an active and efficient process for getting students the assistance they need as quickly as possible. Response to Intervention (RTI) and the Building Intervention Team (BIT) are the tools we use. In addition, a social worker and school counselor provide non-academic supports for our students.
Regular communication with stakeholders occurs building-wide with our monthly newsletter. Classroom teachers communicate with parents in a variety of ways, from email to weekly newsletters. Parent may use the Parent Portal on Infinite Campus to communicate with teachers or to note student progress.
Our school hours are 8:00am to 3:05pm (with a 1pm early dismissal time on Wednesdays)

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